Tandoori Chicken Tikka No Oven तंदूरी चिकन टिक्का रेस्टौरंट जैसा | Kunal Kapur Recipes
Tandoori Chicken Tikka is easily the most popular Indian dish in the world. The bright red colour of the marination comes from the chilli powder which is not very hot and at the same time raw mustard oil gives it a kick which is essential to tandoori chicken or tandoori chicken tikka. This restaurant style recipe will work in a tandoor, on a barbeque, in an oven (200c for 20-25mins) and even on a hot pan at home. #ChickenTikka #TandooriChicken #tandoor #KKitchen #KunalKapurRecipes #kunalkapur
Serves 2
Prep time - 20 mins
Cooking time - 20 mins
First Marination
Chicken leg boneless — 500 gms
salt — to taste
lemon — 1 no
ginger paste - ½ tbsp
garlic paste — ½ tbsp
Second marination
Mustard oil — 5 tbsp
Kashmiri chilli powder - 1½ tbsp
Curd (hung) — 1 cup
lemon — 1 no
salt — to taste
ginger paste - ½ tbsp
garlic paste — ½ tbsp
Lemon - ½ no
Methi Leaves Powder (dried) - ½ tsp
Chaat masala - a pinch
Pat dry the chicken and it with sprinkle salt, lemon juice, ginger and garlic paste. Mix and keep
aside for at least half hour.
Meanwhile pour mustard oil in a fresh bowl and add kashmiri chilli powder to it. Stir and add thick
curd, lemon juice, salt, ginger paste, garlic paste and methi leaves powder. Mix it and keep aside.
Now squeeze between your palm the chicken to remove any excess moisture. Place the chicken in
the second marinade mix to coat the chicken evenly.
Heat a grill pan to high. Lightly oil it and place the chicken pieces on high heat on the pan. Within
2-3 mins turn over to get grill marks on the other side as well. Now lower the heat and cook the
chicken on both sides till it is cooked. This may take 15-20 mins. Alternatively you can cook the
chicken in an over preheated to 220c for 20 mins.
Remove and serve hot with a lemon wedge and sprinkle some chaat masala.
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Valentines Day Special
Hi Chef,
Your recipes is very simple & very well explained.& when you prepare, they taste absolutely delicious aswell.
I started recently watching your video, during lockdown.