Very interesting Mango recipes to beat the heat.

#mango#Mangorecipes#Summer #SummerRecipes #mangoKulfi#mangoIcecream#KKitchen #KunalKapurRecipes

Prep: 10mins
Cook: 40 mins
Yields: 6-8 nos Servings


  • Milk (full cream) – 1.25 lts/5 cups
  • Mangoes – 6-8 nos
  • Sugar – 70gms/⅓rd cup
  • Pista – handful


  • Heat milk and reduce it till becomes 1/3rd. Add sugar, stir and cool completely add pista. Now we need to remove the seed of the mango while keeping the entire shape of the mango intact. Gently squeeze the mango & do not peel the mango. Remove the top of the mango by slicing the head/cap of the mango. Retain this cap. Now using a kitchen knife loosened the pulp around the mango seed. Firmly hold the seed and rotate it to loosen it further. Now pull it out. Place the mango with skin on in a small cup so it stands upright. Remove any pulp from the seed and add it back to the empty mango shell. Fill this cavity of the mango shell with the kulfi mixture. Put the mango cap back and freeze it. Once frozen, remove and peel the mango and then slice and serve. Garnish